Work Packages

The project implementation is organized into four distinct work packages; WP1 will carry out the FishBase resources analysis, as well as the design and implementation of the semantic knowledge base (KB) of FishBase. WP2 elaborates on the development of the FishBase KB API that will expose the contents of the KB. WP3 summarizes the exploitation and dissemination activities ensuring that the results of the projects are well communicated and disseminated. WP4 will carry out the activities related to the contribution of the project in related Research Infrastructures and EOSC.

WP1 FishBase Knowledge Base (KB) Duration: [M1-M9]
  • T1.1 Definition of Ontology [M1-M2]
  • This task will implement the conceptual model that will be used as the schema of the FishBase Knowledge Base (KB). Instead of designing and creating an ontology from scratch, this task will reuse related ontologies (i.e. MarineTLO, Fisheries & Aquaculture Ontology) and extend them accordingly. FishBase data encoders will facilitate in properly identifying difficult definitions, and for possible important corrections of the database if needed.
  • T1.2 Definition of Schema Mappings [M3-M6]
  • The schema mapping resources that are needed for transforming data described with respect to the original relational schema of FishBase to ontological instances using the adopted ontology will be defined. The schema mappings will be defined using state-of-the-art technologies, they will be described in a technology-neutral manner and will be used for the periodic reconstruction of FishBase knowledge base.
  • T1.3 Construction of FishBase Knowledge Base [M3-M9]
  • An automatic workflow resulting in the construction of the knowledge base will be implemented. The workflow will use as input a complete dump of the relational database of FishBase, and the schema mappings defined above, it will construct the ontological instances and add them into an appropriate RDF database (e.g. an RDF triplestore).
  • D1.1 Ontology and Schema Mappings [M6]
  • D1.2 FishBase RDF resources [M9]
  • WP2 FishBase KB API Duration: [M5-M18]
  • T2.1 API Design and Specification [M5-M9]
  • The API should provide access to all the resources of FishBase KB. This phase includes the definition of the primary endpoints and methods that the API will encompass. They will serve as the backbone of the API, facilitating seamless interaction with the vast array of data and information in the KB. Additionally, a detailed specification will be drafted using OpenAPI specification.
  • T2.2 Implementation of the API [M10-M18]
  • The API will be implemented using GraphQL providing developers great flexibility and control over data fetching and manipulation. By adopting GraphQL, developers will enjoy a sophisticated framework that allows for precise specification of data requirements, enabling them to request only the specific data elements needed for their applications. This approach contrasts with traditional REST APIs, providing a more efficient and tailored data retrieval process. Activities will begin with the design and creation of a GraphQL schema defining the types of data available and the relationships between them. Then the API will be equipped with appropriate resolvers, acting as the middleware responsible for fetching the requested data. Finally, a set of queries will be implemented to enable developers to interact seamlessly with the API.
  • D2.1 FishBase KB API [M18]
  • WP3 Exploitation and Dissemination Duration: [M7-M24]
  • T3.1 Dissemination Activities [M7-M24]
  • This task will ensure that the project results are communicated clearly to a wide scientific and research audience. Dissemination activities will include (but are not related to) sharing project results in partner’s networks, participating in related workshops and conferences in the domain, as well as organizing a hackathon prompting developers to use FishBase API, targeting first heavy users known to be interested in such API. Data encoders will participate to training activities to test and validate the API as well.
  • T3.2 Exploitation and Sustainability [M13-M24]
  • This task will set the seal on project outcomes, making sure they are effectively utilized and sustained also beyond the project duration. In parallel with the activities of task T3.1, this task will identify the potential stakeholders and end-users and will seek to establish partnerships to support the adoption of project outcomes.
  • D3.1 Final Project Summary and Presentation [M24]
  • WP4 Synergies with RIs and EOSC Duration: [M13-M24]
  • T4.1 Synergies with RIs and Groups [M13-M24]
  • This task aims to establish synergies with existing Research Infrastructures (RIs) (e.g. LifeWatch ERIC, WoRMS, Catalogue of Life) and other Groups in the European Ecosystem (e.g. the EU Horizon project VeriFish), strengthen the collaboration with them, promote the usability of FishBase KB and API, and support their community of users to access FishBase. A detailed list of contacting related RIs and the actual activities will be recorded and provided as a final report.
  • T4.2 EOSC and Sustainability [M19-M24]
  • This task aims to promote the project results and strengthen its exploitability by registering them to the EOSC portal. Apart from making it available to a wide interdisciplinary audience, it will increase the utility of the results through their potential linking with compatible resources from the EOSC portal.
  • D4.1 Report on Synergies with RIs [M22]